JCS Technologies Pte Ltd
Building on the experience and reputation of the JCS Group in high-tech machinery, JCS Technologies Pte Ltd has worked in the last 5 years on developing a more efficient and cost effective coating and manufacturing system for coating nano-Diamond Powder particles on a wire which is used for cutting hard materials.
The Diamond Powder Coating System is a process where small diamond particles molecularly bond to the wire. This wire is used to cut/slice very hard materials, e.g. marble, silicon wafers (for solar cells and the semiconductor industry), sapphire as well as for many other applications throughout the world.
MClean Technologies Berhad
MClean Technologies Berhad was incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965 on 17 March 2010 as a private limited company under the name of MClean Technologies Sdn Bhd. MClean Technologies Berhad was incorporated principally to act the investment holding company for our group of subsidiary companies (the "Group") and the listed company under our initial public offering.
On 12 October 2010, our Company completed the acquisition of the entire equity interest of Magnetronics Technology Pte Ltd ("Magnetronics") and Techsin Technologies (S) Pte Ltd ("Techsin Singapore"). Magnetronics and Techsin Singapore are the holding companies for our Group's main operating entities, being MClean Technologies Pte Ltd and MClean Technologies (Wuxi) Co., Ltd, respectively.
Our Group provides precision cleaning and washing solutions for components of hard disk drive ("HDD"), media cassettes, trays, as well as medical devices and other components that require a high level of precision cleaning.
Our precision cleaning services activities are predominantly carried out in our Group's own in-house clean room facilities. Our Group's customers are mainly HDD main component suppliers and manufacturers. Our services are catered primarily to the Singapore, the People's Republic of China and the Malaysia Markets.
On 8 October 2015, Mclean acquired 55% stake in DWZ Industries Sdn Bhd. DWZ group is in the business of Surface treatment and finishing specialist for the various industries primarily HDD, electronics and oil & gas and petrochemical industries. These activities are carried out in Malaysia.